Monday 31 August 2009

Bank holiday blues

My life is so safe and sorted it's smothering me. A lovely flat, great job, and nice friends are all wonderful things to have and I do appreciate how lucky I am, but it's all just so terribly safe. Amongst the things I have never done are:

- smoked a cigarette
- taken drugs
- been to the Notting Hill carnival
- rode a motorbike
- been fired
- failed an exam
- thrown a tantrum
- punched someone

Perhaps I should apply to be on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square and get naked. It's what everyone else up there seems to be doing.

I'm currently prevaricating about filling in a job application for a really great job. I think I'm reluctant to leave my current one because I know what I'm doing and the team is so great. But I'm pretty sure my boss will be moving on in the autumn and there are no end of pain in the arse people who'll be queuing up to apply for her job. I said to myself I would start the application at 6.00 and it's now 6.50. Ok, I'll start it at 7.00.

I really, really wish I had a boyfriend. I'm really quite lonely a lot of the time, and it would be nice to have someone to hang out with. But until the MASSIVE coldsore on my lip goes down I'm considering myself (temporarily) off the market. The 25 year old has stopped emailing and texting me. I assume he's figured out I'm 32. Oh well. But I haven't been out for a proper night out in London for weeks. I ain't going to meet anyone sitting on my balcony. Except, perhaps, a windowcleaner.


  1. How about applying for the boss's job yourself?

    Hope the cold sore goes soon - and that you can get on the dating scene again and tick off some of those things on that list (not all of them though)!

  2. Oh that's a kind thought but they'd never give me the job in a trillion years - I'd need about another 4 years' experience. My lovely boss is back on Monday, I look forward to bending her ear abut how hard I've been working!
