Saturday 24 October 2009

Bye lovely lovely boss

It was my lovely lovely boss' leaving do last night. We got her some lovely presents and told some outrageous anecdotes for her leaving speech. Loads of people came, both past and present team members. She is so great all the time, but especially when she's drunk!!! I will really miss her, and told her so, several times.

There is a guy, T, who is not in my team but always seems to be there or thereabouts when we have a night out. He came over to talk to me last night just after I'd been told that I had lipstick on my teeth and I was ranting (as I do) about people not telling you about such things and out of nowhere he said "You look gorgeous." I was flummoxed and decided to keep talking just as if he hadn't said anything. That was the boldest thing he's ever said to me, as he's quite shy (but actually quite sweet.) So watch this space.

In other man-related news, not only did RW phone me out of the blue this week, but another ex, P, sent me an email. I still have immense guilt over this man as I said one of the worst things you can ever say to a man, at one of the worst times you can say it. He was so crushed I felt like the biggest bitch on earth. We limped on for a few weeks but I just felt so guilty all the time that it couldn't have lasted. I haven't replied to his email, as I think that no good can come of us being in touch again.

Being stood up this week was truly awful (although maybe it's karma for being rude to P) but I'm trying to stay positive. I've got a date on Wednesday with an Irishman, and I've also sent an email to a supercute guy I saw on the site this morning. So we'll see.

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