Sunday 14 June 2009

A stone down

I'm now a stone lighter than I was in January. It's such a thrill to go on the scales and see 10:11. It makes me think that 9:11 is entirely possible. I can really notice it when I wear certain trousers, which means that as per usual it's coming off my waist first. My boobs remain resolutely the same size. I've been reading the blog of a girl who lost 5 and a half stones in about 6 months. She was following the Lighter Life plan, which is meal replacement shakes. I couldn't do that, I'd get the shakes myself! But she went from size 18 to size 12, and her photos are really inspirational.

What's really interesting is that I haven't done much exercise recently, but I have been really careful with what I've been eating and drinking. For example, only had one glass of wine at little G's birthday barbeque, and I had fruit rather than birthday cake. I also didn't eat any chocolate cake at SM's party on Friday. I'm much better at abstinence than physical activity. Must be the Catholic/ Scottish upbringing!

So a typical day's menu goes as follows:
Branflakes with strawberries and blueberries, with skimmed milk.
Pasta with courgettes, mushrooms, turkey rashers, with a bit of salad.
Lamb with couscous and salad.
Plus loads of tea and diet coke, and muller yoghurts or fruit if I'm feeling hungry.

I really should do some exercise today. I'm going to find out if the lanes are open at Deptford pool. I can't go on Tuesday (ladies night) as I'm off to see Tom Stoppard's Arcadia. Dahlink.

Update: I did 12 lengths in the pool.

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