Sunday 28 June 2009

Feng Schwaaaaaaaaaaay

Christ, I must have been bored. I actually tidied my room, and decluttering has actually made me feel better. I think that's largely because I found lots of clothes I haven't worn for ages, and I look great in them. I've definitely lost inches around my middle. So I look more like an hourglass and less like a small fridge.

I did 30 minutes of cardiobox today, which was tough but made me feel good. I also made rhubarb and custard cake again, but this time it was a disaster, as it wasn't cooked in the middle. How disappointing. So no cakes from the tin of plenty for my colleagues tomorrow.

In other news, I acidentally broke my blue bowl. This doesn't sound like a big deal, and it isn't really, but I bought it when I left home for the first time, to move to Edinburgh. (Incidently it was from Matalan, which at least shows that some things from there stand the test of time.) It's 8 years since I moved out, and I think I'm a very different person now from the one I was then. I give much less of a damn what people think of me, I worry a lot less, and I'm much more confident. I also earn 4 times as much as I did then. 4 times! Fuck, at this rate I'll be earning a six figure salary in 4 years' time. I bet I still run out of money at the end of the month though.

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