Monday 11 May 2009

Finally getting with the programme

So it begins. There are some points in life that stand out, because they mark a change. Some you know and feel at the time, others you only notice with hindsight. So, my move to Edinburgh only happened after a very sad event in my life, and it was only later that I recognised that I'd given myself permission to move on by moving location. I also got considerably happier about 18 months ago, which coincided with getting a terrific new job. Chicken or egg? I still haven't figured that one out.

But something snapped in me this weekend after my chain had been yanked by a man who had taken me out on an amazing date, then spent the week avoiding my texts and being generally weaselly. I decided to stop being so needy, and to become the type of person I really admire. So I have decided to change my diet and exercise FOR LIFE. Not for 6 months until I lose weight and then pile it on again, but forever. So I bought a recipe journal, planned my menus for the week, bought some trainers, went on a 90 minute walk/ jog plus did another 30 minutes core stability. So the plan is to get fit for summer. But I think it's more than that. Some dear friends went off on an amazing adventure this weekend, and I'm so happy for them. But it made me realise that I too need a plan. And it starts with remaking me.

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